NTFSProgs to fix NTFS Issues (Part 2)

This is a continuation of NTFSProgs to fix NTFS Issues (Part 1)

Note 1: Command line copying using ntfscp
# ntfscp /dev/sdc1 /home/user/new_test.ini test.ini
(Copy the new_test.ini from /home/user as test.ini to the root of /dev/sdc1 NTFS Volume

Note 2: Undeleting files at NTFS Volume

First do a scan for the deleted files
# ntfsundelete --scan /dev/sdc1 (where /dev/sdc1 is the NTFS volume)

Take note of the the number of recoverable files and inode number of the file you wish to recover
# ntfsundelete --undelete --inode 25 --output Documents/deleted.pdf /dev/sdc1
(The command undelete inode number of the file (25) and recovered to Documents directory at NTFS Volume /dev/sdc1)