Pagerank, How Important is it ?

"PageRank is a value or ranking of a website page given by Google on a scale of 1-10. This value is obtained through a specific calculation algorithm based on the amount and quality of backlinks that are owned by the respective web pages. Because there are elements of "quality", then the PageRank is not always proportional to the number of links behind it. "Created by the founders of google" Lawrence Page "and" Sergey Brin ".

For Google, PageRank was developed to describe the popularity and quality of a website. The greater the value of his PageRank, then it is assumed that the site is increasingly popular and good quality. Some miners dollar program, Text-Link-Ads and Backlinks for example, also use PageRank to determine the appropriateness of a site to join in their program. "

PageRank is determined by the number or quality link to the page. If the link comes from the page a lot and had a high PageRank, then it is likely that page will be higher PageRank.
While the webmasters concerned with how pagerank them at present or in the foreseeable future, there is a question: How important is PageRank?

Pagerank addition, many other factors that need attention. So Pagerank is not everything. Number of keywords on the page, keyword placement, and h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, was also influential.

Pagerank is just one factor.

To appear on the top of Google search results, PageRank is not the only determinant.
Many other things are taken into account Google, such as keywords on the page, title, and perhaps a URL, plays an important role in determining the order of Google search results.

Link popularity, a technology developed to improve the shortcomings of other technologies (Meta Keywords, Meta Description), which can be cheated, without having any PageRank to our blog page can be indexed in the top 10, with a special page designed for search engines or so-called doorway pages .

PageRank, has the same basic concept of link popularity, but not only take into account "the number of" inbound and outbound links. The approach used is a page will be considered important if other pages have a link to that page.

Google could have put the page was above PageRank 0 PageRank page had 5, so you do not have to worry about PageRank. But if you are selling links, PageRank is everything, So basically, PageRank is important, but not everything. The main purpose of a website is fun visitors and the information has satisfy visitors, sometimes without a great PageRank, blog or site can be indexed on page 10 of search engines.