PC Repair Tips for Windows Media Player

Most music lovers would agree that listening to music has its own appeal. One of the most popular software applications that help you play music on your PC is the Windows Media Player. The beauty of this player is that it plays all kinds of audio and video files, including MP3, WMV, AVI, WMA, and even ASF. You can also use this application to create playlists and organize you music and video files the way you want.

However, there are times when the player throws random, unknown errors. Some of these errors include:
• Unknown Error: C00D11CD
• Interface Not Registered: 80040155
• Action timed out: 800C2EE2
• Cannot rip the files: C00D0FAA

Let’s take a look at why these errors occur and how you can fix them:

Unknown Error: C00D11CD
This error occurs when your Windows operating system generates an error that is, for some reason, not reported to the Windows Media Player. As this could indicate any unreported problem, you cannot determine a solution.

However, sometimes you can guess the cause of this error by what file type you were playing when the error was generated. For example, if you were playing and MPEG 2 or an AVI file, then the problem might be an incorrect codec version. To fix it, simply download the required codec and install it.

This error is also generated if you don’t have the Digital Rights Management authority to download or play files. Another reason for this error is when the wmadmoe.dll file isn’t registered. You can do this by specifying the name of the file after the command regsvr32.

Interface Not Registered: 80040155
This error is generated when your Windows Media Player isn’t installed properly or while copying files onto a CD your Windows Media Player registration was deleted. In either situation, you can resolve this error by either reinstalling the software application or installing a newer version of the same.

Action timed out: 800C2EE2
This error is generated when you’re playing files from a server or from over the Internet and the connection isn’t available any longer. It could be disconnected Internet connection or faulty settings of your Internet connection. To resolve this, open the LAN Settings tabbed page in the Internet Options dialog box and clear the Automatically detect settings check box.

Cannot rip the files: C00D0FAA
There are several reasons for this particular error. If you’re converting CDs into MP3 files, this error is the result of your registry storing entries of the previous version. To resolve this error, you need to open the registry of your PC and navigate to the Software folder in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder. Then, open the MediaPlayer folder in the Microsoft folder. Go to Settings and open MP3Encoding. Within this setting, open the LowrateSample parameter and delete its value.

This particular error can also occur if the registry of your PC contains corrupt files or certain DLL files are missing. To rectify this, you need to install a Registry Cleaner utility from a reliable company and use it to repair the registry.

Above steps help you restore your pc to its original speed and performance level. In case, you are unable to detect the problem, you must get in touch with a pc repair company such as Fixit99.com offering remote IT support. The remote pc support technicians working with online computer repair company help you identify the real cause of problem and rectify the error within minutes. Add to this, the convenience of using online pc repair services from the comforts of your home. You can get the online technical support via phone or through remote access. In case your problem is not fixed, you will NOT be charged. The online pc repair process is simple and secure. The technician fixes the problem while you are watching the entire process using an advanced software program. Also, it is not possible for company’s engineers to log back onto to your pc after it is fixed.