PC Repair Tips Removing Redundant Registry Keys

Windows Registry is one of the most important components of your PC. It is the backbone of your PC and stores the details of all software applications and hardware in your PC. The registry also contains the configuration settings you have set for your PC. Any problem with the registry of your PC can adversely affect the functioning your PC. That is why it is important to ensure that the registry of your PC is in correct working order.

Defining empty registry keys
One of the problems that plague the registry is registry holes. The most common cause of registry holes are redundant registry entries left by software applications that have been uninstalled but not removed from the registry. These holes add unnecessary data to the registry of your PC and might even corrupt or fragment registry files. This often leads to the dreaded blue screen, more commonly known as the General Protection Fault.

How to fix windows registry?
Similar to any other database, the registry of your PC can also be opened and manually checked for empty or redundant entries. However, this step is fraught with danger because you never know when you inadvertently delete some essential piece of information. That is why, under such situations, you need to either consult with a pc repair expert working with a remote computer repair company such as Fixit99.com. You can always opt for online IT repair or remote PC repair services and get your pc fixed within few minutes. What’s more appealing is that you can also call for online technical support anytime-day or night, and get all computer related problems fixed the within few minutes!

Using a registry cleaning tool
Some of you may want to use a Registry Cleaner tool manufactured by a reliable company. These tools are quite easily available over the Internet and can be downloaded and installed for use.

In addition to removing the unnecessary entries from the registry of your PC, a reliable Registry Cleaner tool enables you to backup, defragment, and even repair the registry. Using such tools, you can scan the registry and first delete all instances of DLLs that are invalid. These DLLs can easily cause your PC to crash unceremoniously. The scan also removes registry entries that are invalid because some software application was not installed or uninstalled correctly. To prevent your software applications from crashing, the scan also ensures that the all invalid ActiveX and COM entries are deleted. Of course, the scan also removes software program paths that aren’t referenced incorrectly and font entries that aren’t valid.

However, after you have removed all unnecessary entries from the registry of your PC, you should use the Registry Cleaner tool to defragment the registry. This is imperative because when you delete remove entries from the registry of your PC, some registry holes might be left untouched.

Defragmenting the registry of your PC regularly prevents this from happening by deleting these registry holes and compressing the registry of your PC. Moreover, defragmentation also re-indexes the entries in the registry of your PC.

After you have removed registry holes and defragmented the registry of your PC, you can also create a backup of your registry. This backup would be helpful if the registry of your PC crashes or becomes corrupt.