Ubuntu server 8.10 installation - Scanning the mirror hangs

I am a little surprise when Ubuntu 8.10 server installation seems like hangs in scanning the mirror during the installation step. It was more than 10 minutes I think and the installation screen just freezes like the picture below:

I wonder did I make a mistake during network configuration steps? No, I did the same steps a few times already including when I installed Ubuntu 8.04. Although there are slightly different steps in Ubuntu 8.10, but the configuration is just the same to me. I was not worry about the configuration, I know I set it up right. But the networking itself made me worry. The connection to the Internet has been bad for a few weeks already.

So I opened a web browser from windows to check the Internet connection, and I found it was ok. That means the installation should be ok. Maybe I should wait a little longer. I just leaved Ubuntu scanning the mirror and went take a bath. When I went back, I see the screen still scanning the mirror. Something must be wrong. It was the time when I tried to interrupt the installation, the screen moved.
That means the installation was ok. It just took some times to scan the mirror. I mean quite some times to scan the mirror. That never happened before. Then it stop again this time it scans the security updates repository:

I wasn't worry anymore. Take how much times you need, I know you were ok!