What should be done if the digital media back up fails?

In the ever changing world, the way of photography has also changed. More and more photographers are switching to digital photography and why not it's fast as well as far more secure than the conventional photography. Digital photography also provides you a second chance of recovering images, if some thing goes wrong with the digital media. This option is not available in the traditional one, once the images are destroyed it can't be recovered.

As the trend of digital photography has increased there is a significant increase in data loss cases too. If you search for data loss scenarios you will find a lot of articles emphasizing on to backing up your digital images. But what to do if the back up fails, this question remains unanswered. You won't find articles on how to recover images once lost.

In this article I will try and provide you the solution to it. Thing you should do once you know that something is wrong with your camera.

  1. Stop using your digi-cam right away

  2. Don't format it or initialize your digi-cam

  3. Keep your camera away from the magnetic fields.

4. Keep it away from extreme temperature

If taken care of these things, chances of recovering your images will increase. Digital photo recovery is possible for all the major factors except overwriting. The major reasons due to which can loose images on the digital media are

  • Physical Damage

    a) Exposure of digital media to high temperature

    b) Damaged camera

    c) Cracked digital media

    d) Water Damage

  • Logical Damage

    a) Reformatting digital media

    b) Unintentional deletion of files

    c) Overwriting

Both Mac photo recovery as well as Windows photo recovery software are available. You just need to categorize your need according to the damaging factors, to choose the data recovery service. For logical damages you need a photo recovery software compatible to the digital media as well as the Operating system you use. For physical damages you will require a data recovery company services. Logical recovery will cost you much lesser than the physical recovery. I will recommend not to go for the physical data recovery services till the time, the data lost is too crucial. The price comparison will really show the difference

For Logical recovery price range from $30 - $700.00 approx

For Physical recovery price range from $500- depends upon severity of the damage to storage media

I will be elaborating on to the price range and features of such software in the next post. So you have both the options open.