Display Text on Windows 7 Taskbar Button

When you use windows 7 first,have you find Taskbar Buttons in Windows 7 isdifferent from windows Vista/Xp.There is any text labeling on taskbar.Only icon based button is displayed on it.
If you dosen't know how to display text like Windows Vista or XP,try it as below easily.
1.On the empty section of Taskbar,right click and select " Properties ".
2.On the Taskbar tab,go to Taskbar buttons dropdown box to change.Its default setting is "Always combine, hide labels",please choose either "Never combine" or "Combine when taskbar is full" option.
3. Click OK button to save the setting.
Now buttons with text labeled show in the taskbar.
Display Text on Windows 7 Taskbar ButtonIf you want to use small icons like Windows Vista or XP in win7,on the step 2,you can check the“Use small icons” and save.