Due to some unavoidable circumstances, many people spend hours in front of their computer, yet experience a jolt when they lose a word document, their hard work, unexpectedly. Reason- there may have been power failure or it may be a result of their carelessness of not saving it immediately. This makes them feel helpless and frustrated. They do not know what to do. But now, you need not worry for even a grave problem as this can be solved and any loss of files from Microsoft word document can be retrieved.
How to Auto Recover Microsoft Word File
Move to the word option[Microsoft Word 2007] from the word menu and shift to Advanced tab, where you will come across many boxes that are not checked. Look for Always Create Back-up copy and then Allow background Saves. This will help you re-store all your files instantly. The back-up files of word are saved as:- .wbk extension.
So, don’t get tensed if you lose your files by mistake, they can always be restores through the back-up copy.
You have two very easy ways of obtaining the word file from this method. You either check on your user application data or search the temporary folder.
* C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Data\ Microsoft\Word.
* C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\ Temp.
* C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\ Temp.
These given addresses can be opened in the Windows Explorer. If your operating system is installed in other drive other than Cdrive, then you will have to change the extension of the above address. Further, in place f the user name, use your OS name and you can fine many of your unsaved temporary files. In case of power failure or you system itself crashes, open your Microsoft Word once again, it will restore the data immediately.