Image Searches might give you the results you expected and can prove to be more useful than the normal search at times

Most of the famous search engines like Google or Yahoo! offers an image search option. This is a useful feature that can bring the pictures in the world wide web to your fingertips.
Image searches can prove useful not only while searching for images but also while mining data on the net. Here is the ' How ?' answered.

Websites post images of the most relevant topic of the content. If somone is writing an article on a 'benz' automobile the author will post a picture of the featured car and not the picture of some beach. So the pictures most often come with the most relevant matter. But the search based on the page rank system of Google or Yahoo! might prove to be useless at times. At those times doing an image search and navigating to the website with the help of the image might give you the required result.

Why dont you give it a try..?
Good luck!
