Speed Up Windows 7 - More!

Everybody may agree that windows 7 may be the fastest windows version available.
BUT it can be faster! yeah!

One of the main virtues of Windows 7 is its speed—especially when compared with its predecessor, Vista. But most people haven't experienced the 15-second boot for the operating system that Microsoft engineers were shooting for. And there are certainly times when Windows you'll still see that spinning blue donut. We can always hope that the upcoming Windows 7 SP1 will include some performance tweaks, but, in the meanwhile, there are plenty of things you can do to speed up your installation of Windows 7.

The problem with most "speed-up Windows 7" stories is that they tell you to turn off some of the operating system's more charming visual features. The first nine of my dozen tips show you ways you can speed up your Windows 7 system without compromising its appearance. For those who need even more speed or don't care about eye candy, I've listed three at the end that boost system performance at the expense of some visual effects.

On personally note, I like using Ccleaner in disabling startup items and deleting unwanted registry entries made by device drivers and other installations.