Sometimes you just don't understand that your PC has got virus attack. Sometimes you face problems when working on the computer but you can't understand the true reason behind the problems. The reason could be memory problem, hard drive problem or some other issues. But virus can be another potential reason for this. So it is always important to detect the root problem of your bad PC performance. Some computer support ways can guide you to detect whether your PC got virus on it or not.
If you notice that your computer is running slower than before or it is freezing frequently without any proper reason or it is taking quite a lot of time in opening up a browser, there might be a virus issue. Lots of viruses are lurking in every corner of the Internet and if your computer is connected to the net they can attack on your PC anytime. Thousands of malicious viruses are out there that can affect your PC in different ways. Spy ware, malware, stealth viruses all are there and those can track everything you input on your computer. These sorts of viruses can detect the vital personal information like credit card count number, password etc.
The best way to detect whether your PC has been targeted by any virus attack is to press the tabs Ctrl, Alt and Delete at the same time. This computer support function will open the Window Task Manager for you. Now you will need to go to the right hand side of your PC to look for a little small box. On this box you will need to roll your mouse over. This will show you the result of current usage of your CPU. In other words it will tell you the CPU usage by the programs that are running currently on your PC. If you see that the whole box or at least the 50% of the box is green, you will know some hidden programs are also running on background and what else other than viruses can run on the background of your system.
Now you will need to follow some computer support ways to detect the viruses. You will need to go to "start" from there you need to click on "run" and then you need to type "msconfig". Now you will see a box and you will need to select 'start up'. You can see all the programs that initiate when you start up your computer. Viruses give themselves such real names that you won't be able to locate the viruses. If you don't have anti-virus programs uploaded in your computer chances are there that your PC get affected every time you start up a computer.
Computer support experts suggest that you can scan your website by some free programs but be careful about selecting one because these sorts of programs can come with the Trojan horse too. Some viruses like this hid them in the real programs.
While installing any program makes sure you trust that program. Sometime malicious programs can attack when you are installing a program and such a program can make you change your PC's physical memory. They can track your move, the key stroke you make and the sites you visit.
With thousands of virus threats that we are facing these days, you need to make sure that you protect your computer with proper computer support techniques.