The other day, I received a forward from a well-meaning friend, who received the forward from another well-meaning friend, who received the forward from.... Unfortunately, no one took the time to check out the source along the way.
To begin with, the forward included movie attachments that totaled 11 megabytes. Please do your friends a favor and do not forward any attachments or pictures over 100k. In many cases today, people receive their e-mail on smart phones and are billed for the amount of data channeled through their phones. I urge you to please be considerate.
The size of the attachments was a major problem with this forward. However, the source of the attachments was a far bigger violation of netiquette (Internet etiquette).
The opening screen on each movie gave credits to the website hosting the movies, printing the website address across the screen. Also, printed across the bottom of each screen on the movie attachments was the host website address.
Think of the embarrassment of the senders when they discovered (too late) that the host website address was the website of hard core pornographers. I hope everyone can learn a valuable lesson from the mistake of someone else.
For more help, please visit my blog post that shares the wisdom of a computer expert on how to forward e-mail appropriately.