ZoneAlarm Antivirus with windows 7

I tried installing Zonealarm on Windows 7 and it did not work. It got me thinking, is it even needed anymore? Is the Windows 7 firewall good enough, along with a good anti-virus program?

I think you can try ZoneAlarm® Antivirus 9.0 Beta. It includes both Antivirus and the award-winning Firewall. It prevents and disables most recent and sophisticated viruses and PC attacks. ZoneAlarm Antivirus 9.0 Beta is the second public beta compatible with Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit). Also works on XP and Vista.

Download ZoneAlarm Antivirus 9.0 Beta for windows 7

Recommended minimum software, operating system, and hardware:

Microsoft® Windows® 7:
2 GHz 32-bit processor, 2 GB RAM
2 GHz 64-bit processor, 4 GB RAM

Microsoft Windows, XP SP2 or SP3, Home or Professional Edition:
1 GHz 32-bit processor, 1GB RAM
Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 or SP2 :
2 GHz 32-bit processor, 2 GB RAM
2 GHz 64-bit processor, 4 GB RAM
250MB of available hard-disk space.

ZoneAlarm may fail to install on Windows 7 in VMWare and on some Intel network cards.You may download the latest compatible Intel driver from here.