Delete Yahoo! account/id Permanently

Hello, Friends i'm back with a new post,well this one is similar to the previous post(how to delete gmail account).here i will show you how to delete your yahoo account permanently without having any trouble.All you need to do is follow the link that i paste over here.enter your id and the image verification and its done

Steps to Delete Yahoo! ID/Account Permanently

* First you will have to visit the Account Termination  Page

Delete yahoo Account

* Now type your ID and Password under please confirm your Indentity
* Click On Terminate this Account
* Play the waiting game.wait for 90 days for yahoo to delete your data.
   Ex.The   Emails related to your ID
* But The data connected to Yahoo! Finance will be still there with Yahoo!
   for a period of 3 calender years
* This is the actual link (

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