How To Add Floating Share Buttons Easily In Blogger/Blogspot

You might have seen cool floating buttons in many blogs and websites.The floating buttons are really useful as the readers can easily share,get email subscription,follow you on various social networking sites.Did you see the Floating button  at Pcpedia? Thinking of adding one such button to your blog.well its very easy .place the buttons in proper position where it will be easily center,left

Follow these steps:
1)Get buttons/icons in png format. you may use these (Note: not for commercial use)To use these icons just right click on the icon and select 
   save as. or download icons from DownloadChunks

2)Upload these icons to Imageshack, Photobucket or Blogger itself and get the 
   direct link. I would recommend you to upload to blogger as it will help faster 
   loading of pages.if you would like to use the above icons,just right click and 
   select copy image url 

3)Time to add the code.

 Code for twitter button:

 Code for Facebook button

4)In similar way you can add Digg etc.just add the link to your Digg profile and the direct link of the digg icon.

5)You can  adjust the position according to your wish .just change left: 4px; to 
   right: 4px;  to get the buttons on the right 

6) To shift the  position of the buttons  change the value of bottom:350px; to  
    bottom:5px; it depends where you want your buttons to be positioned

These Floating buttons are compatible with all browsers including internet explorer.What do you think about these floating share buttons.share your views !!

Also read:How to transform your twitter page online
               :Add Twitter buttons with counter
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