SEO and Niche Market

SEO and Niche markets are two words that may already be familiar to us, what else in the world of internet marketing. but its placement and usage is very difficult if we do not really do it right. SEO and Niche markets are very closely related, because if these two word do not exist then our internet business will likely decline in the world of internet marketing, Niche market is one part of SEO, why not, because the niche market is to collect and determine a single Keyword  that are quite specific, and it is one part of the SEO tips that is using the right keywords.

What is a Niche Market?


The origin and history of the word niche, is a 17th century French language word, nichier, the which artiya "Building a nest." So what is a niche? Definition of niche there are two pieces, namely:

1. Position / activities Suitable for the talent and personality of someone so That Could he successfully develop in areas of expertise tsb.
2. Market the which has been concentrated. Market share of the which is specialized in one type of product or service.

Niche Market

A highly specialized market segment. This market has a limited list of products the which are Offered only to consumers of perform certain market share. This definition is taken from the Dictionary Toefl. But earnest continue to be developed According to our understanding about the niche.

For example:
we aim at niche / target is a computer. Computer itself is a common word for us, and of course there are many competitors in the Internet world. We must find a more specific word for word the computer is to find a niche computer, for example, we create a keyword on computer software, computer hardware, computer tools etc, in accordance with our wishes. If the keyword that was also still a lot of his competitors, we must Spesiffication longer word, for example, we are more specialized computer hardware again with LAN hardware, keyboard, mouse, or monitor, so that our competitors will be fewer.

To find the niche keywords, Lots of free tools that provide for search niche market and use of analysis such as Google keywords tool, Wordtracker, Webmaster Toolkit, Keyword Elite or the more powerful of Market Samurai.