RAM Upgrades? That is question that pops up when we suddenly experience some lags and lockups, specially when we are playing games and or browsing the internet. Well as for me, there are certain factors to consider when we go for a RAM Upgrade...

Here are the 4 things I think is the most important factors we should consider before doing so :
1) How much RAM do you have? We should know how much memory do you have. You can check how much memory do you have (For Windows XP) is by Right Clicking on "My Computer" then choose Properties, under General Tab of the System Properties window you can see how many memory do you have under Computer just below or beside CPU Speed.
1) How much RAM do you have? We should know how much memory do you have. You can check how much memory do you have (For Windows XP) is by Right Clicking on "My Computer" then choose Properties, under General Tab of the System Properties window you can see how many memory do you have under Computer just below or beside CPU Speed.
2) How much RAM do you need? We should know how much memory do you need. If you are using Windows XP, just browsing the internet and with some minor programs word processing and chatting a 512 MB would be enough. But if you are playing some online and or off line high end games, I would recommend you to maximize your it.
3) What are My Options for RAM Upgrade? You should consider your options, the type of RAM and the maximum your computer can take. The best way to verify your options is by reading the motherboard manual for specs and or you can check it online by searching the model of the motherboard and or computer on search engines and support page for branded computers. You may also try contacting your OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) or Store where you purchase it for the info.
4 ) Where do we go for RAM Upgrades? For Branded Computer, you can go to your OEM or Stores, this will assure you that you are getting a reliable and compatible RAM Upgrade. Getting in touch with there Technical Support or Upgrade Support would also be recommended. If you are using a Clone or Non Branded Computers, you can go to some computer stores and or online stores for available upgrades.
RAM Upgrades is very important to us specially for everyday computer users, to have smooth computing experience and by doing so we can accomplish our work much easier. Hope this 4 factors help you in considering if you need a RAM Upgrade. Please feel free to give your comments and suggestions in this subject.