A lot of users don't exactly understand what the Registry is all about and the need for Registry backups.Windows Registry is can be defined as a vault of various settings of windows and other programs.Registry has all the information that programs require.
A simple way to take backups without the help of any third party softwares
*Go to Start -->Run-->Type Regedit and press enter
*You will be presented with a two window pane that closely resemble the windows explorer.
*Now click on File --->Export
*Give it a name and Browse the location where you want to save the backup and click on save
*Done ! registry backup in 2 mins ;)
Remember Registry backups are huge.So keep on deleting the older backups when you take new backups
this is help you save space.
To Restore a backup
*Simply find the location where you saved the registry backup
*Double click on the file.
*you will be presented with a dialog box asking you "are you sure to add the data to your registry " click yes
*And your registry will be restored instantly